In November we set out our proposals to transform the current builder’s merchants in Railway Rise into an attractive development providing accommodation for students, affordable family homes and commercial units with an ecological uplift to the area. Currently many students live in houses which were formerly family homes. By providing accommodation for them it is hoped the houses will return to family occupation and, along with the new three and four bedroom affordable apartments, the development will increase the number of local family sized homes. The site and its current form and character has been strongly influenced by the railway. The diagram below shows the opportunities it offers as well as its constraints.
The site is a long, linear plot of about 0.85 hectares which runs along the railway line and is a brownfield site. It is categorised by Southwark Council as a backland site designated for both residential development and the reprovision of the existing industrial operations.
The commercial units will be located at the Railway Rise end, where there are already new buildings including a library and Marks and Spencer shop. The student accommodation will be in the middle of the site, whilst the affordable homes will be located in the more private south end of the site. The scheme seeks to improve the local environment and nearby Site of Importance for Nature Conservation across the railway line by protecting as many trees as possible, introducing roof gardens and pocket parks that provide high-quality visual and active amenity for residents.
There will be two entrances. The Railway Rise entrance, will focus on the commercial units. The other entrance will be via Melbourne Grove, where there is an existing entrance into the builders yard complex.
The scheme will also bring other additional enhancements to the area including an improved outlook from the platform of East Dulwich station and an increased footfall which is expected to reinvigorate the shops in Melbourne Grove, where a number of units are either vacant or no longer trading.
The colour and designs of the buildings are being developed by our architects, following intensive study of local building characters and styles. The current proposals are working into the use of high-quality decorative facing brickwork and metal cladding, using a variety of lighter and darker tones in the window and roof panels to reference historic building characters in a more contemporary, but sensitive manner.
In March 2024 we held two drop-in public exhibitions where residents could meet our team and learn about the changes we have made to our proposals as a result of feedback from local people. To view the exhibition boards please click here.
We also held drop-in public exhibitions in November and December. The exhibition boards from these events can be found here.