
Cresswick specialises in large scale mixed-use developments in London and the south east. The business core focus is residential and purpose built student accommodation, marrying in site specific uses such as industrial, workspace, retail and community functions. We work closely with a broad range of specialist consultants to optimise the use of brown field land and deliver benefits to the communities in which we work.

The team has a broad range of expertise from funding and financial modelling through to planning and architecture. Leveraging a broad range of experience from a portfolio of complex large-scale, mixed-use projects delivering 4,000 homes through the planning system equating to approximately 4,000,000 sqft of mixed-use space.


SWAP Architects is a London-based design studio which was founded to challenge conventional approaches to design and bring creative thinking to developing community assets. We engage with local people to help deliver their needs and embrace a role which sits between local community, development and innovation, working closely with clients, stakeholders and professional teams to ensure that proposals realise social and commercial value, allowing us to deliver social infrastructure to the communities in which we work.


Rolfe Judd works extensively on mixed use development project in London. We work closely with statutory bodies (including LPA and the GLA) to develop detailed planning cases/strategies to promote the development potential of complex sites and to ensure that key planning and regeneration objectives are realised successfully.


The Terrapin Group is a public affairs agency specialising in planning. In addition to running stakeholder and community engagement for development projects, Terrapin provides strategic advice on planning and devises political engagement programmes tailored to each local authority. Terrapin has worked on large scale redevelopment projects as well as smaller, bespoke schemes across London and the South East.