Preservation of the natural environment is at the heart of our proposals. The current site is composed almost entirely of hard surfacing. The new development proposes to soften this landscape by enhancing the biodiversity and making it more in keeping with and sympathetic to the Site of Importance for Nature Conservation on the other side of the railway line.

The student arrival area, shared spaces and car parks will all have planting incorporated into hard surfaces improving biodiversity and bringing aesthetic value. They will be carefully designed with different coloured surfaces for different road users and clear and open sight lanes for safety. Multi functional seating will provide opportunities for socialising and studying . 

Pocket parks and roof gardens will be introduced throughout the scheme for the benefit of students and residents.  These will be planted with shrubs, grasses, plants and trees.

The woodland garden will provide quiet and relaxing seating for the residential houses and flats as well as natural play elements for 0-4 year olds. It will maintain and improve the existing buffer and screening to Charter School.


The boundaries around the site provide native buffers which can be used to maximise biodiversity and enhance habitats and the Site of Importance for Nature Conservation on the other side of the railway line.

New trees will be planted in the green railway line corridor, on the roof terraces and in the pocket parks. Some lower quality, often self-seeding trees will be removed to provide a stronger habitat for the higher quality trees that are to be retained.

In line with the green heart of the project residents will be encouraged to use the excellent local transport network including the nearby East Dulwich station and the numerous bus routes. The development will be car free apart from a few wheelchair accessible parking spaces as set out within local planning policy for access and inclusion. There will be secure cycle storage for the commercial units, students and the residential buildings.

In line with the green heart of the project residents will be encouraged to use the excellent local transport network including the nearby East Dulwich station and the numerous bus routes. The development will be car free apart from a few wheelchair accessible parking spaces as set out within local planning policy for access and inclusion. There will be secure cycle storage for the commercial units, students and the residential buildings.